TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 2012-6-20 23:30 |
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新加坡神学院创办于 1952 年,是一间持守福音信仰,服事众宗派、教会与机构的神学院。由一群来自圣公会、浸信会、卫理公会、长老会与独立教会的牧师与领袖,在华文基督教联合会、福音自传会和海外基督使团的支持下而成立的。

目前本院有来自大约 25 个国家的学生,人数超过 500 人;校友人数更逾 2000,分布在全球 40 个国家,以全职或带职身份从事牧会、宣教、植堂、辅导、神学教育、照顾孤儿、戒毒和监狱事工。
此页没有中文翻译 The School of Church Music provides musical, biblical, and theological foundations and preparation primarily for those who anticipate serving as Music and/or Worship Ministers in churches, and secondarily as Church Music Educators in parachurch organizations.
Five programs of study are offered: Certificate in Church Music, Diploma in Church Music , Bachelor of Church Music , Graduate Diploma of Church Music , and Master of Church Music .
The School’s curriculum is one of the few in Southeast Asia that offers a well-rounded training that includes music, church music, as well as Bible, theology, and Christian education courses in the Asian context.On campus, private music lessons and classes in piano, organ, and voice, as well as courses in choral conducting, composition, music theory, and music history develop students’ musicianship, knowledge, and performance skills. A wide range of church music and worship ministry-related courses equip students with the biblical, theological, and historical foundations as well as practical skills necessary for church music and worship leadership. Biblical and theological courses are offered to prepare students for their roles as spiritual leaders.
Beyond the classroom, students participate in the Field Education program with local churches for hands-on experience and guidance in the practice of church music. Rehearsal and performance experiences in both vocal and instrumental ensembles, including those with Singapore Symphony Orchestra and various choral groups, allow students to learn from renowned directors and expose them to a wide range of sacred choral repertoire.
Aside from these educational opportunities on and off campus, guest speakers are invited regularly to offer seminars to students and alumni on key worship- and church music-related issues and topics and give workshops and training on specialized fields. These are held in events, such as the Church Music Festival, that are also open to the general public.To find out more about the programmes that we offer and our faculty members, please select click on the links below. |